Does Makeup Make Acne Worse? (2024)

beautiful woman has acne on a skin

Does makeup make acne worse is a common question that may have crossed your thoughts. The majority of teenage girls and adult women who have acne develop a love-hate relationship with their cosmetics. It’s what you rely on to cover embarrassing acne scars.

Yet, if you’re not using careful and safe cosmetics might enhance the same flaws you’re attempting to cover.

A dermatologist of Mohna Gohara once said “It is hard because makeup is used to conceal breakouts, but it actually can also stoke the fire”. He meant in his words that sometimes using very strong and effective makeup products on your sensitive skin having makeup can make your acne worse over a period of time.

Why makeup makes acne worse?

It is advised that women and girls avoid applying cosmetics to the afflicted region until the blemish or outbreak has disappeared. Some cosmetic components have the potential to further block pores, which might exacerbate any discomfort and prolong the duration of a breakout.

Your skin may be more prone to developing sensitivities and irritations when you have an active breakout. Avoid using makeup products on your skin if you have pimples on your face since doing so can make acne worse and may also irritate your skin, which will make you feel miserable.

What happens when acne becomes worse with makeup?

According to a condition known as acne cosmetica, sometimes cosmetics might be the cause of the problem.

Have you ever thought that when cosmetics are the primary cause of acne, acne cosmetica develops? Even ladies who ordinarily wouldn’t have acne can have it. It can take anywhere from a few days to six months for acne cosmetica to develop. It often appears as several little pimples on the cheeks, chin, and/or forehead. It might be challenging to draw a connection between pre-existing acne and the particular product causing it to arise because time varies on when acne cosmetica appears.

However, you must know that the skin barrier has been damaged when pimples are open. Once makeup has been applied, it may penetrate deeper layers of exposed tissue than the product is supposed to. As a result, the pimple may become more irritated and show signs of swelling and increased redness.

What are dermatologists’ opinions?

If you pick your makeup products carefully, you may wear makeup even when it’s creating breakouts and finally get rid of them. Although doctors frequently advise against makeup usage by acne sufferers, cosmetic physician Kenneth Howe, M.D. of New York City says that he thinks applying a little, oil-free foundation can help outbreaks rather than hinder them.

He says, “I don’t want to take away a patient’s capacity to cover it up; acne is unpleasant enough.” “I do advise patients to use a light foundation; the less liquid, the better. When their acne clears, I also advise my patients to reduce their cosmetics usage because this makes acne worse”

How to deal with the Acne problem while applying makeup

1. Use Makeup Labelled Noncomedogenic

Noncomedogenic cosmetics don’t include substances that are known to block pores. While treating acne, it’s a good idea to start with fewer pore blockages. The best approach is to carefully read the labels on all of your cosmetics, skincare, and hair care products.

The best part for you is that when you switch to non-comedogenic makeup, your pimples may get better if you have extremely mild comedonal acne.

2. Clean your Implements Regularly

Getting rid of acne-causing bacteria from your skin can address half of your acne problems, yet makeup brushes and application tools are bacteria generators, and cleaning them frequently will help your pores to heal. To prevent fresh breakouts from occurring, make sure you only use your equipment and cosmetics.

At least once every week, wash all makeup brushes in antibacterial soap. Spray your brushes with isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol liberally for a mid-week sanitization, then remove any remaining alcohol and makeup with a fresh paper towel.

If you’re busy and find it difficult to find time to clean your brushes, disposable cosmetic applicators are a perfect substitute.

3. Try to go Makeup-Free

At least a few days every week, go makeup-free. Give your skin enough time to repair and breathe.

If wearing no makeup all day doesn’t feel right to you, wash your face as soon as you arrive home. This will allow you to expose some of your skin each evening.

Just keeping your skin naked won’t be sufficient to clean up your skin because inflammatory acne isn’t usually brought on by makeup alone. The preceding advice serves as a solid starting point for an acne treatment program that will make your skin look better.

It’s time to start taking an acne treatment drug, whether it be over-the-counter or prescribed if you haven’t already. They will assist you in controlling imperfections, and most of them can be resolved even with makeup

4. Avoid Silicon and Oil based Makeup products

Avoid silicone-based foundations if you have acne-prone skin and choose instead lighter foundations that mattify the face, advises Palladino. The germs and oils that trigger breakouts on your skin can be covered and trapped by the silicon

Go gentle on the oil since too much oil clogs pores and causes outbreaks. According to Dr. Cynthia Bailey of Dr. Bailey Skin Care, “We frequently notice foundation particles and product oil down in the pores when we look at biopsied face skin.” The best makeup for acne-prone skin is powder cosmetics rather than liquid foundation, which contains more oil.

Glance At The End

It is concluded that in case if you think to apply makeup on your acne-prone skin, experts highly advise addressing the acne first, including wiping your makeup off before going to bed, whether or not you want to hide your pimples with cosmetics. According to Dr. Idriss, “It all starts with excellent habits and treating your skin like it’s a priority.” Cleanse your face before bed, and if you feel that your skin is acting up, back off and wear less makeup.

While it is sometimes acceptable to conceal severe breakouts with makeup, it’s also crucial to keep in mind that the skin beneath should come first.


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