Seint Makeup Controversy: What Had Happened? (2024)

girl is applying a seint makeup

Makeup has been an essential part of our lives for years. From a simple everyday look to a dramatic evening look, we use makeup to enhance our beauty.

However, the beauty industry has always been controversial, and Seint Makeup is not an exception. Seint Makeup, formerly known as Maskcara Beauty, is a makeup brand founded in 2013 by Cara Brook.

Cara brook in white top
Cara brook, Founder Seint Makeup

Seint Makeup gained popularity in the makeup industry, but in recent years, it has been the center of a controversy that has raised concerns among customers and the beauty community.

This blog will explore the Seint Makeup controversy and how it has affected the brand and its customers.

The Seint Makeup Controversy

In recent years, Seint Makeup has been at the center of a controversy that has raised concerns among its customers and the beauty community.

The dispute revolves around the brand’s multi-level marketing (MLM) business model, which has been criticized by many for being a pyramid scheme.

Pyramid schemes are illegal and unethical business models that promise participants high returns in exchange for recruiting new members.

In a pyramid scheme, the focus is recruiting new members rather than selling products. The participants at the top of the pyramid earn most of the profits, while those at the bottom struggle to make money.

Many people believe that MLM companies, including Seint Makeup, operate in the same way as pyramid schemes.

Seint Makeup has denied these allegations and maintains its legitimate business model. The brand claims it is a direct sales company that rewards its sales representatives for their hard work and effort.

However, many customers and former sales representatives have shared their negative experiences with the brand, which has only fueled the controversy.

The Impact of the Controversy on Seint Makeup:

The Seint Makeup controversy has significantly impacted the brand’s reputation and sales. Many customers have boycotted the brand, and former sales representatives have spoken out against it.

The controversy has also led the brand to lose some of its top-performing sales representatives.

Moreover, the controversy has led to declining sales for Seint Makeup. According to reports, the brand’s sales have decreased significantly in recent years.

The negative publicity surrounding the controversy has made it difficult for the brand to attract new customers and retain existing ones.

Seint Makeup’s Response to the Controversy

Seint Makeup has responded to the controversy by defending its business model and claiming it is not a pyramid scheme.

The brand has also addressed the concerns of its customers and sales representatives by implementing changes to its business practices.

For instance, Seint Makeup has introduced a new compensation plan that rewards sales representatives based on their sales rather than their recruitment efforts.

The brand has also launched a new training program for its sales representatives to ensure they better understand the brand’s business model and products.

Seint Makeup has also increased its efforts to communicate with its customers and address their concerns. Seint Makeup issued a statement on its website responding to the backlash from customers and fans.

The statement acknowledged the concerns and criticisms and emphasized their commitment to inclusivity and diversity. The organization also announced that it would be reevaluating its shade range and marketing practices to ensure that they include all skin tones.

While some customers appreciated the response and the company’s efforts to address the issue, others were still skeptical and called for more action and transparency.

The Impact on the Beauty Industry

The beauty industry has traditionally struggled with issues of inclusivity and diversity, often failing to cater to the needs and preferences of people of color.

However, the Seint Makeup controversy has drawn attention to this issue and sparked a broader conversation about representation in the industry.

In response to the criticism, many beauty companies have tried expanding their shade ranges and featuring more diverse models in their campaigns.

This has been a positive step towards inclusivity, but many consumers are calling for more meaningful action to address the issue. You can learn about the advantages and disadvantages of seint makeup and then you can decide your own point of view about seint makeup. 

One of the main criticisms of the beauty industry’s response to the Seint Makeup controversy is the idea of “performative activism.”

This refers to companies making public statements or taking simple actions to appear socially conscious without substantially changing their products or practices.

Critics argue that this approach needs to be revised and that companies must make fundamental, tangible changes to address the lack of diversity in the industry.

In addition to increasing diversity in advertising and product development, some advocates are calling for more people of color to be represented in leadership positions in the beauty industry.

This would allow for a greater understanding of diverse consumers’ unique needs and preferences and could lead to more inclusive and innovative products.

Overall, the Seint Makeup controversy has shed light on the ongoing issue of diversity and inclusivity in the beauty industry.

While some companies have taken steps to address the case, much work must be done to ensure that all consumers are catered to and represented in the industry.

Lessons Learned from the Controversy

The Seint Makeup controversy provides essential lessons for the beauty industry. First and foremost, it highlights the importance of listening to and addressing the concerns of customers and fans.

In today’s age of social media, consumers have more power than ever to hold companies accountable for their actions and demand change.

Additionally, the controversy underscores the need for diversity and inclusivity in the beauty industry and all sectors. By embracing diversity and inclusivity, companies can tap into a broader range of perspectives and experiences, leading to more innovative and successful products and services.


The Seint Makeup controversy has significantly impacted the brand’s reputation and sales. The controversy revolves around the brand’s multi-level marketing business model, which has been criticized as a pyramid scheme.

While Seint Makeup has denied these allegations and implemented changes to its business practices, the controversy has made it difficult for the brand to attract new customers and retain existing ones.

Therefore, it remains to be seen whether Seint Makeup can overcome this controversy and regain the trust of its customers and the beauty community.

If you want to stay updated regarding the latest developments in the beauty industry and any controversial things to any specific brand /product, then we highly recommend you to check our website and also a few other trustworthy reliable news sources, social media, and the beauty community available on popular forums like Reddit.

Always keep in mind that the landscape of the beauty industry in evolving fastly and new controversies may arise over time.

Read more: How Do You Know if Your Makeup is Causing Breakouts? (2023)

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