Top 8 Thai Beauty Standards That You Must Know! (2023)

Beautiful thailand girl wore white top

Thai beauty standards are rooted in the traditional values and culture of Thailand. Throughout history, Thai women have sought to embody a look that is both beautiful and unique. The concept of physical attractiveness has been heavily influenced by Buddhist teachings which emphasize inner beauty above all else. As a result, Thai beauty standards focus on more subtle features such as gracefulness and poise rather than overt displays of sex appeal or glamour.

For them, a beautiful mindset, honesty, and other human values are more important. You can also see this in their beauty standards. 

In other words, for them being soft and delicate is more perfect than being sensual.

This ideal has become ingrained in the national psyche, making it an essential part of what it means to be attractive in Thailand today.

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The Checklist of the Thai Beauty Standards

 1. Long Hair

Hair is an important part of Thai beauty standards. In Thailand, hair is a symbol of youth and vitality, and it’s often styled to accentuate facial features or worn in intricate braids for special occasions. Hair can also be dyed in various colors to add vibrancy to one’s look.

If I tell you in detail, then Thais naturally have dark black hairs. But they are fond of coloring their hair blonde. Along with blonde, they also like the grey color. But they are not much open to dye their hair in colors like blue, red, or green. You will rarely find anyone having these colors.

Hair styling techniques vary from region to region, with some areas favoring long curls while others prefer sleek straight locks. 

The traditional Muay Thai hairstyle is still popular among men today and consists of a topknot that’s usually secured with ribbons or beads at the back of the head. Women may wear their hair up in elaborate buns adorned with flowers or accessorized with decorative pins and jewelry pieces. Hair care products such as oils and creams are also used by many Thais in order to keep their locks looking healthy and shiny.

2. A Well Defined Forehead

The forehead is an important aspect of Thai beauty standards. A well-defined forehead can be seen as a sign of youth, vitality and intelligence , so many people strive to have one that is smooth and unblemished. 

Foreheads are often adorned with traditional jewelry pieces such as gold coins or jasmine flowers for special occasions. Makeup is also used to highlight the shape of the forehead and emphasize its curves. In modern times, hair styling techniques such as bangs or fringes can be used to create different looks depending on the occasion or desired aesthetic. 

Forehead piercings are also becoming increasingly popular among young people in Thailand who want to stand out from the crowd and express their individual style. Ultimately, it’s up to each person’s own taste when it comes to how they choose to accentuate their forehead area!

3. Eyes Look Bright and Alert 

Eyes are an important part of Thai beauty standards, and they often serve as a focal point when it comes to expressing one’s inner and outer beauty. Eyes in Thailand can be seen as windows into the soul, so many people strive to make sure their eyes look bright and alert. 

In addition, colored contact lenses are becoming increasingly popular among young Thais who want to stand out from the crowd with their unique style. Ultimately, each person has the freedom to express themselves through their eyes however they choose!

4. Bolder Shape Eyebrows

Eyebrows are an important part of Thai beauty standards and can be seen as a symbol of youth and intelligence. Thais take great care in maintaining their eyebrows, often plucking them into shapes that accentuate their facial features or enhance the look of their eyes. 

Eyebrow shaping techniques vary from region to region, with some areas favoring a natural look while others prefer to create bolder shapes such as arches or angular lines. 

In addition to traditional tweezing methods, many Thais use eyebrow pencils, powders and gels to fill in sparse areas or enhance the color of brow hairs. Ultimately, it’s up to each individual person how they choose to groom and style their eyebrows!

5. Straigth and Well-Defined Nose

The nose is an important part of Thai beauty standards. In Thailand, the shape and size of one’s nose can be seen as a sign of youth and vitality. Thais often strive to have noses that are straight and well-defined, with high bridges and narrow nostrils.

Nose piercings are also becoming increasingly popular among young people in Thailand who want to stand out from the crowd with their unique style. 

Makeup is used to emphasize the shape of the nose or add color for special occasions, while traditional jewelry pieces such as gold coins may also be worn on either side for extra flair. Ultimately, it’s up to each individual person how they choose to accentuate their nose area!

beautiful Thai girl is wearing a white top and smiling

6. Full Lips

Lips are an crucial part of Thai beauty standards and can be seen as a symbol of youth, femininity and sensuality. 

Thais take great care in maintaining their lips, often plumping them up with lip balm or lipstick to give them a fuller look. Lipstick is also commonly used to add color or shimmer for special occasions. 

If I tell you their lip color preferences then it is not too many bold colors. They avoid colors like orange, red, purple, and even dark pink and so. All they prefer is soft colors like peach and baby pink. They prefer nude shades.

In addition, some people may opt for permanent makeup such as lip liner tattoos to enhance the shape and definition of their lips. 

Lip piercings are becoming increasingly popular among young Thais who want to stand out from the crowd with their unique style. Ultimately, it’s up to each individual person how they choose to groom and style their lips!

7. Jawline and Symmetrical Features Face

The face is an important part of Thai beauty standards, and Thais strive to maintain a symmetrical ratio between their features. The ideal facial proportions are seen as being wide at the forehead and jawline, with a small chin, high cheekbones and a straight nose. 

Thai beauty face ratio has been a source of fascination for many people. The traditional Thai ideal facial proportions have long been held in high esteem, and the country is known for its beautiful women. 

In Thailand, there is an emphasis on having a well-defined jawline and symmetrical features. This ratio has become popularized across Asia as the “ideal” look to strive for, with many people seeking plastic surgery or other methods to achieve it. 

The Thai Beauty Face Ratio consists of specific measurements that determine how attractive someone’s face looks when viewed from the front. 

These ratios are based on how closely one’s facial features adhere to symmetry, which can be broken down into three general categories: forehead widths, eye size/location relative to nose size/location and cheekbone height relative to mouth location. 

By taking these measurements into account, it is possible to create an aesthetically pleasing shape that accentuates certain facial features while minimizing others in order to make them more visually appealing overall.

8. Body

Thai beauty standards are unique and diverse, with different aspects of the body being seen as symbols of youth, femininity, intelligence and sensuality. From the eyes to the nose to the lips to the face, Thais strive for balance in all their features. 

They use makeup techniques such as eyeliner and eye shadow to accentuate their eyes, while also shaping their eyebrows into various styles that enhance their facial features. 

Nose piercings are becoming increasingly popular among young people who want to stand out from the crowd with their unique style, while lip plumping is used by many Thais to give a fuller appearance. 

Finally, hair styling techniques can be used to create different looks depending on desired aesthetic or occasion. Ultimately it’s up to each individual person how they choose express themselves through these beauty standards!


Thai beauty standards are unique and diverse, emphasizing balance between the eyes, nose, lips and face. Makeup techniques such as eyeliner or eye shadow can be used to accentuate features while hair styling is an important way for individuals to express their own sense of style. 

Nose piercings and lip plumping have become increasingly popular among young people in Thailand who want to stand out from the crowd with a unique look. At the end of the day, it’s up to each individual person how they choose to groom themselves according to these Thai beauty standards! 

By learning more about them you may find that you too can create a look that expresses your true self without having to conform strictly by societal norms.

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