9 Best Ancient Greek Beauty Standards 2024!

Greek beauty wearing a black top standing in forest

The ancient Greeks had a deep appreciation for beauty, and they saw it in many forms. From the beauty of nature to the grace of human form, art was one way that they captured this admiration.

 Greek sculptures are some of the most iconic pieces of artwork from antiquity, known around the world for their idealized depiction of physical perfection and symmetry. 

These works showcased both male and female figures with realistic features like wrinkles or blemishes purposely left out so as to emphasize its divine beauty. 

Even today, we can still appreciate these masterpieces which capture an idealized vision of balance between mind and body that has been cherished throughout history.

List of the Greek Beauty Standards

1. Hair

Greek beauty standards also extend to hair. Long, wavy locks are seen as a symbol of health and vitality, while curly hair is often seen as exotic and beautiful. 

Short haircuts on women are not usually considered attractive in Greek culture, although it has become more popular in recent years. In general, the Greeks prefer their women to have long hair that is well-maintained and styled. 

Hair color should be natural shades such as blonde, brown or black with highlights being acceptable if they look natural.

2. Forehead

In Greek culture, a woman’s forehead is seen as an important feature of her beauty. A high forehead with well-defined bones is considered to be attractive and a sign of youthfulness. 

Greek women often style their hair in such a way that it frames their face and emphasizes their high foreheads. They may also use makeup to highlight the area around the eyes, which can make the forehead look even higher. 

The Greeks believe that having a high forehead can give someone an air of intelligence and sophistication, two qualities they highly value in people.

3. Eyes

Eyes are another important feature in Greek beauty standards. Greeks believe that eyes should be big, bright and expressive. They also prefer women to have dark eyelashes and eyebrows which frame the face nicely. 

Women often use makeup to enhance their eye shape and color, such as using mascara or eyeliner to make them look bigger or darker. Eyebrows are usually groomed into an arch shape which can help bring attention to the eyes and make them look more intense. 

In general, a woman’s eyes should be symmetrical with no visible signs of aging such as wrinkles or bags under the eyes. This is considered a sign of youthfulness in Greece which is highly valued when it comes to beauty standards there.

4. Eyebrows

In Greek culture, the eyebrows are seen as an important part of beauty. They should be well-groomed and symmetrical with a natural arch that frames the face nicely. 

Greeks prefer women to have dark eyelashes and brows, which can help emphasize their eyes and give them an intense look. Women often use makeup to enhance their eyebrow shape and color, such as using mascara or pencils to make them look bigger or darker. 

Eyebrows should not be too thin or thick but instead just right for the person’s face shape in order to achieve a balanced look. A woman’s eyebrows should also match her hair color for a more natural appearance. 

All these factors combined create the perfect eyebrow according to Greek beauty standards.

5. Nose

The nose is another important feature in Greek beauty standards. Greeks prefer noses that are neither too big nor too small, but instead just right for the person’s face shape and size. The nose should be straight with no bumps or curves and have a well-defined bridge. 

Greeks also value noses that have a nice tilt at the tip which can help bring attention to the eyes. Women often use makeup to enhance their nose shape and color, such as using contouring techniques or bronzer to make it look more pronounced. 

All these factors combined create the perfect nose according to Greek beauty standards.

6. Lips

In Greek culture, lips are seen as an important feature of beauty. Greeks prefer lips to be full and symmetrical with no visible signs of aging such as wrinkles or sagging skin. 

They also value lips that have a nice balance between the top and bottom lip, which can help bring attention to the eyes. Women often use makeup to enhance their lip shape and color, such as using lipstick or glosses to make them look bigger or more defined. 

All these factors combined create the perfect set of lips according to Greek beauty standards.

7. Face

In Greek culture, the face is seen as an important part of beauty. Greeks prefer faces to be symmetrical with no visible signs of aging such as wrinkles or sagging skin. 

They also value faces that have a nice balance between different features, which can help bring attention to the eyes and make them look more intense. 

Greek beauty standards are focused on achieving a perfect balance between different facial features. Greeks prefer faces to be symmetrical and with no visible signs of aging such as wrinkles or sagging skin. 

They also value faces that have a nice balance between the eyes, nose, lips and other features which can help bring attention to the eyes and make them look more intense. 

Women often use makeup to enhance their facial shape and color, such as using contouring techniques or bronzer to make it look more pronounced. All these factors combined create the perfect face according to Greek beauty standards.

8. Body

Greek beauty standards also extend to the body, with Greeks preferring a woman’s body to be proportionate and symmetrical. They value bodies that are toned and fit, but not overly muscular or skinny. 

A woman should have curves in all the right places while still maintaining an overall slim figure. Women often use exercise and dieting to achieve this look as well as wearing clothing that accentuates their curves in a flattering way. 

All these factors combined create the perfect body according to Greek beauty standards.

9. Voice

Voice is an important part of Greek beauty standards. Greeks prefer voices to be clear and melodious, with a pleasant tone that can enhance the overall beauty of the person speaking. 

They also value voices that have good diction and intonation, which can help convey emotion and add emphasis to words. 

Women often use vocal training techniques or exercises to improve their voice quality and range, as well as learning how to project it in order to sound more confident when speaking. All these factors combined create the perfect voice according to Greek beauty standards.


Greek beauty standards are based on the idea of achieving a perfect balance between facial features, body shape and voice quality. Women often use makeup, exercise and vocal training to enhance their physical appearance in order to meet these high standards. 

Whether you’re looking for inspiration or simply curious about what constitutes Greek beauty ideals, this article should have given you an insight into how Greeks view attractiveness. 

Ultimately, it is up to each individual person to decide which aspects of their own unique look they want to emphasize in order to feel beautiful according to their own personal criteria.


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