Top 6 Polish Beauty Standards That You Must Know? (2023)

poland girl wearing grey tea shirt holding cycle

What does beauty mean to you? Your definition of beauty differs from millions others. In the same way, not all European countries have same beauty standards. They are also separated by the boundaries. 

Polish Beauty Standards:

Poland is a beautiful country. The nature there in stunning. Likewise, is the beauty of Polish women. They are gifted with natural lovely features, which make them enviable to the rest of the women. 

Moreover, there are also certain Polish beauty standards. The women there, try to meet those conditions to look beautiful. Let’s check them out:

1. High Cheekbones

As a sharp jawline is considered attractive in men, so are high cheekbones attractive in women. This has been a common feature amongst the beauty standards of the world.

High cheekbones are highly appealing in Poland. Many Polish women have it naturally. While others find artificial means of achieving it. 

No doubt that the Polish are very concerned about their looks.

2. Light Skin tone

Polish people are born white. They have white or light skin tone, and this is also one of their beauty standards. Their face is often characterised by tiny freckles.  

Furthermore, their skin doesn’t tan very easily. And some of them also have a creamy complexion.

3. Blue or Green Eyes

Blue eyes look heavenly! And most of the Polish have blue or green eyes. With a fair skin and light coloured hair, their green eyes look no less fascinating.

Light brown eyes are also found among the Polish. Almond-shaped or round eyes are what most of them have. They’ve got the most pretty eyes for sure.

4. Blonde hair

Only 2% of people are born with blonde hair. That’s rare. Polish are privileged to be amongst this 2% of blondies.  This is the most common hair colour in Poland. 

Although in case of some grown-ups, their blonde hair changes to brown. The transmission of hair colour occurs naturally. As they age, their hair changes its colour and gives a completely new look.

5. Pointed nose

The Polish prefer a pointed nose. Their nose lines are sharp and they find it charming. Alongside, their noses are also wide with pointed tips. This is the slight difference that makes them unique from other Europeans.

6. Tall, slim body

Traditionally, women of a rounded figure were found good-looking. But today, the impact of social media has changed it. Everyone aspires to have a slim body. 

The Polish beauty standards also want the women to stay slim, without any bumps. Also, they are genetically tall, since that is their natural trait. They are tall, slim and delicate.

As a Slavic nation, most of these requirements of beauty are in-built in the Polish. They appear as natural models. Additionally, they are among the most beautiful women compared to women of other origin.

Polish women

Apart from their beauty sets, Polish women also possess pleasing personality traits. These make them presentable not just outwardly, but inwardly as well.


The Polish give crucial importance to education. No matter a male or female, education plays a significant role in their lives. They have a good literacy rate, even though this country only gained independence after World War I. 

Children are instilled a love for education from a very young age. And here you find most of the women, well-educated.


The Polish women are very affectionate. If you have a Polish friend, you will know. They have a great sense of humour and also expect you to be witty enough to understand their humour. 

They display much care and love towards their friendship. And not to forget they are also easy-going, which makes them approachable. 


If you’re invited by a Polish family for a dinner party. Then be ready with an empty tummy. Because the Poles love hosting their guests in the best manner. 

The Polish woman will prepare food all by herself for her guests. They always want their guests to be satisfied.

A classy look

The Poles like to look classy wherever they go. Even when going to get groceries, they think twice before stepping out. 

They wear a comfy outfit, yet which looks chic. They know how to transform their boring dress into a stylish one. We can call them Fashionistas!

These are some attributes of the Polish women. From being a bold, educated woman to being the best family host. They never forget their priority, which is their family. They are connected to their roots, that is where they come from.

Are Polish And Slavic Beauty Standards Similar?

The answer is, they are slightly similar. Since Slavic Beauty Standards are a mix of many countries, they give a more generalised outlook. 

Slavic countries include Russia, Bulgaria, Belarus, Ukraine, Poland, Czech Republic and so on. The Slavic Beauty Standards consist of a diversified version of beauty. 

It takes into consideration the looks of the women folk in all these countries and gives an indistinct picture of beauty. 

Whereas, the Polish beauty standards are more specific to the ladies of Poland. But they do match some of the beauty standards of the Slavic nations as well.

For instance, blue or green eyes, blonde hair, a fair skin tone, family being the priority and a tall body are common between Slavs and Poles. Flaunting their feminine characteristics is also found in Poland and other Slavic nations.

Having said that, the Polish women do have their own personal beliefs which differentiate them.


The Polish Beauty Standards are a sort of different from the rest. They are also not too harsh or pressurising, giving the women a sense of leniency. 

Most of these beauty standards, are what the women are naturally born with. Even though they have a modern mentality, they don’t forget their traditional roots. 

Polish women are seen giving their families the prime concern. Beauty in their terms is to feel beautiful and spread warmth. 

The best part of their perception of beauty is to be natural. They are not influenced by the West and stay connected to their familial background.

Natural, sassy yet classic are what their beauty standards can mean in a sentence.


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