Top 9 Colombian Beauty Standards You’ve Never Heard Before! (2023)

Columbian women standing together wearing hats

Colombia is not just a popular country but it is very well known for its freestyle and wider living sense. Have you ever thought that why Colombia is so open to both fashion and styling? 

Do you know what kind of beauty level and standards Colombian women have set? Have you ever noticed that their beauty standards are too high to match?

Well, it will not be wrong to say that the beauty standards in Colombia have evolved and have a unique presence among other countries. The way girls and adult women have made themselves indulged in fashion and styling is very admirable and fancy.

Let us know the various beauty standards of Colombian women that have made a distinguished presence all over the world.

List of all beauty standards in Colombia

Columbian girl wearing red bra and blue jeans

1. Tight and Slim Body 

In Colombia, there are both slim and fat body trends, but which one is the most common?

The definition of beauty is being thin and slender. Since society equates being thin with youth and vitality, it is desirable. These characteristics are said to signify physical health and fitness.

It is generally acknowledged that one of the most coveted physical characteristics in both men and women is the concept of a thin physique. The media actively promotes this notion by using pictures of thin models to advertise goods and services. It might be challenging to break free from this norm since it has become deeply embedded in their culture, which makes individuals who are opposed to it feel inadequate. 

2. Long Length Hair

It is a question that arises many times what kind of hair do Colombian women acquire or dream of? Well, long hair is everyone’s dream but not everyone’s. In Colombia, most women acquire long hair. Long hair has always been associated with elegance and beauty, and the appropriate hairdo can make it a true statement piece. However, to achieve any desired look, having healthy hair is necessary. 

Your hair’s thickness and luster are important signs of its health, making it achievable to style your long hair in an ideal way. With healthy long hair, various styles are possible, from buns to flowing curls to weaves, making it simple to stand out in any setting.

3. Eyes

In Colombia, women have big and small eyes that sometimes suites both ways in makeup or without makeup. Eyes are the most attractive part for them, that’s why Colombian women use to make their eyes more appealing.

Have you ever noticed how they do so? 

They usually apply long eyelashes to make their eyes look bigger and more attractive. Sometimes they wore some eye makeup also to make the look more fascinating.

4. Skin Tone

As Compared to Americans, Colombian women are not as white as American women. But this thing doesn’t make the scene boring. The Beauty standards in Colombia are not judged based on skin color but on the way Colombian women style ad groom themselves.

The Clombonam women are blessed width both pale and light white skin tones. Their region’s geographical sphere adds this component to it.

Well, have you thought about what kind of skin tone the Colombians want? They usually thought of having white or light brown skin tones.

5. Small Waist

The desire for a tiny waist has been popular for a while. It has a significant role in current Colombian beauty norms.

The majority of women now strive for a slender physique, but it’s difficult to attain. This trend has been continuing strong for a long and shows no signs of stopping.

But why small waist has become a trend or important? It’s crucial to understand that the tiny waist trend isn’t only about how slender you are; it’s also about how your clothes fit.

6. Hair

Colombians are not that much hair conscious they like the way they look especially when it comes to hair. Hair is one of these criteria of beauty. Over the past few decades, women have attempted to alter their natural hairstyles, but it has only been recently that relaxed hair started showing up in the media.

In addition to this one, other common beauty standards include facial characteristics, body type, cosmetic prowess, and skin tone. Hair may be a symbol of individuality and self-expression. But Colombians are not the ones who give utmost priority to hair. They like free buns or long freezy hair.

7. Lip Styling

Have you ever seen that the way Colombian women are indulging in makeup and best looking is so amazing? Lips have changed from the classic “thin, small, and demure” style to a more full-mouthed appearance with a prominent top lip now in Colombian beauty standards. This is because women are now urged to wear red lipstick rather than simply regular lipstick. 

Today’s ideal of beauty includes having full lips as a key component for Colombian women.

8. Nose

Well. this must have appeared in your mind what kind of nose did they acquire? There is no specific nose shape in Colombian, all have their own different and sweet nose.

Women frequently receive advice on what type of nose they should have as well as how big or tiny it should be. 

Because many women are self-conscious about their noses and will do anything to make them look smaller, thinner, or slimmer, this standard has become the norm.

9. Skin 

The Colombian worm is very much conscious of its good-looking skin and glowing face. They use it to highlight the way their face looks ad makeup is the key component that makes it more stylish and attractive. What about their body skin? 

The most common beauty ideal among women is thinness. Young girls with thin frames are frequently thought of as being “skinny.”  However, the majority of women do not experience this. If a lady has a tiny waist and wide hip dimensions, she may be considered thin.


These criteria, however somewhat rigorous, are a useful guide for figuring out what you ought to be doing to look your very best.

While everyone has their definition of what is beautiful, some unchanging rules should be adhered to. This is so because they apply to everyone.  Skin, hair, lips, eyes, face shape, size, and body type make up these beauty criteria. By understanding what to do for each area, the list provides women with all the information they need to become the greatest versions of themselves.

The Colombian beauty standards on the whole are simple and not very much complex which makes the readers easy to understand. 


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